Metazoa maakt voer en supplementen die samenkomen in het juiste voedingsplan. We combineren evolutieleer, biologie en psychologie met premium voedselproductie. Zo weten we wanneer de stofwisselingsketen optimaal werkt.


Goede voeding is van onschatbare waarde in de optelsom voor een gezond en gelukkig paard. Maar wat is goede voeding? Wat hebben ze precies nodig? Metazoa vond het antwoord in de evolutie van je paard en hoe het nu leeft.


Een tevredene gezond dier is een logische optelsom van een rijke omgeving natuurlijk gedrag en goede voeding. Maar wat is een goede voeding? Metazoa vond het antwoord in de evolutie van je dier en hoe het nu leeft.

Why Metazoa

Nutrition has a profound effect on nutritional balance, vital self-healing mechanisms and - as in humans - well-being and happiness. Our products are carefully formulated according to a scientifically reasoned recipe and with pure and as many natural ingredients as possible. Only the best for your animal.

Exactly what your horse needs.

Exactly what your exotic animal needs Exotic animals are closer to nature than other pets and therefore need a specific nutritional plan to stay fit and healthy. Metazoa makes natural feed that meets the full nutritional needs of your animals.

Exactly what your exotic needs.

A healthy and happy horse is a logical sum of good housing, the necessary exercise space, medical knowledge, natural behaviour and good feed. But what is good feed? Metazoa looks at the horse's evolution and what it needs.


A healthy and happy horse is a logical sum of good housing, the necessary exercise space, medical knowledge, natural behaviour and good feed. But what is good feed? Metazoa looks at the horse's evolution and what it needs.


Exactly what your exotic animal needs Exotic animals are closer to nature than other pets and therefore need a specific nutritional plan to stay fit and healthy. Metazoa makes natural feed that meets the full nutritional needs of your animals.


A well-balanced feeding plan for horses consists overwhelmingly of roughage, i.e. hay or grass. But this is not as varied as in the wild. It generally contains fewer grasses and fewer different herbs than are actually needed. With roughage alone, your animal may lack vitamins, minerals and other important substances such as proteins. With Metazoa horse feed you supplement those substances.

Exotic animals

While breeding exotic animals, founder Marc Jansen discovered that he could not find a diet that contained all the essential nutrients. Fascinated by the huge potential of animal nutrition, he started Metazoa. Thirty years later, even zoos rely on us as advisor and supplier of nutritional products.


Our products are composed and produced with the greatest care. With natural ingredients that are guaranteed free from soy and genetic manipulation. Our horse products are also free of cereals and molasses. Order our products directly through the webshop of Agradi, the most professional horse shop in the Netherlands. In cooperation with Agradi we combine the best service with the right food.


Our products are composed and produced with the greatest care. With natural ingredients that are guaranteed free from soy and genetic manipulation. Our horse products are also free of cereals and molasses. Order our products directly through the webshop of Agradi, the most professional horse shop in the Netherlands. In cooperation with Agradi we combine the best service with the right food.

Latest news

Oprichter van Metazoa, Marc Jansen nutritionist.

Metazoa is ontstaan in 1994 uit de hobby en persoonlijke interesse van Marc Jansen.