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Can't quite control what your horse eats, for example because he is at a boarding stable or riding school? You can supplement Metazoa FitRight (SuperFit) MuscleFitHP 23.

Preferably every day, but if not every day, occasionally you can also prevent deficiencies.

At least make sure your horse has unlimited roughage all day.

If your horse is in a stable where he gets a lot of concentrate and only a little hay, discuss it with the stable owner.

They may be interested in another way of feeding that is more economical and healthier for your horse.

This ratio was deliberately chosen because it is a supplement.

So you give relatively very little of it compared to the total ration. The ratio Calcium/Phosphorus 2:1 is about the total ration, so roughage together with the supplement.

In the Netherlands/Europe, there are actually no horses with phosphorus deficiency, because the soil is rich in phosphorus, but there are horses with calcium deficiency which can cause stomach ulcers, among other things. Phosphorus inhibits the absorption of calcium.

That's why Metazoa has deliberately chosen to make a supplement with a different ratio than ordinary kibble. Precisely to ensure that more and better calcium can be absorbed. There are no known studies of horses with too much calcium, because calcium is absorbed in the large intestine and there is a kind of natural stopper if a horse takes in too much calcium. Too little calcium is a much bigger problem.

Roughage usually contains slightly too little calcium (alfalfa is one of the exceptions) in relation to phosphorus. Metazoa SuperFit broxxx (Fitright) corrects this ratio towards 2:1.

Since only very little Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx (Fitright) needs to be fed (250 grams on average), extra calcium must be included to achieve the 2:1 ratio in the total ration.

Does Metazoa have feed for donkeys?

Yes we do!

Metazoa's feed contains exactly the right nutrients with the right absorption capacity and proportions.

Important, because a shortage of essential minerals and vitamins cannot be solved with roughage alone.

Metazoa Fitright is very suitable for donkeys.

No, Metazoa contains no soy and therefore the question of whether it is genetically modified no longer applies.

No, Metazoa products are completely free of molasses.

The percentage of crude protein in alfalfa pellet MuscleFit HP23 is 22.8%

This is more than in many other alfalfa pellets.

Your horse needs protein for its muscles. If your horse is too thin and you want it to put on weight, feed MuscleFit HP 23 in addition to unlimited hay and Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx ( FitRight).

No, this is not the same. The MuscleFit HP23 alfalfa pellet contains slightly more protein than the coarse alfalfa.

The hp23 chunk is made from the leaves. The stalks have been filtered out and those are in the coarse alfalfa. There is more protein in the leaves than in the stalks, which is why there is more protein in the HP23 kibble than in the coarse alfalfa.

In Metazoa FitRight (Superfit broxxx) used as a carrier 

It contains all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements a horse needs in addition to unlimited roughage.

Metazoa MuscleFit HP23 is made from the leaf of the alfalfa plant.

There is nothing else in it.

So no vitamins and minerals are added.

MuscleFit HP23 is good for adding extra protein or extra calcium to the ration for horses and ponies.

It promotes muscle growth.

We recommend feeding FitRight (SuperFit) MuscleFit HP23 together.

Yes it is advisable to feed your horse hay also when he is at pasture during the day. Feed your horse enough good roughage in the evening when he is stabled so that he also has something to eat at night.

Horses do not have a day/night rhythm like humans, so they also eat at night. So even if your horse is out in the meadow during the day, feed it extra hay in the evening.

Horses that are out in the meadow day and night also benefit from hay.

Grass contains moisture, so they need relatively more of it than hay.

In addition, if the grass is very short or the nights are cold, it can contain a lot of fructan, i.e. sugar, with all its risks. Hay is more consistent in terms of sugars especially if it is well grown hay cut on a warm day.

 So provide your horse with sufficient hay, even in addition to grazing, but if that is not possible then at least sufficient hay when he is stabled.

Do I feed my horse enough?

The basic ration for horses and ponies should be good roughage.

For quantities, see the ration recommendation table.

It is especially important that your horse gets enough dry matter.

Metazoa Fitright is intended to supplement the missing minerals and vitamins together with Metazoa Musclefit HP 23.

Musclefit is a pellet based on Lucerne, which contains a lot of proteins that are important for muscle building.

If you feed your horse enough roughage, you are not feeding your horse too little.

Roughage is the basis of a horse's ration.

Hay contains more nutrients than grass because it has been allowed to grow well.

So preferably feed hay. 

Even in summer, when your horse is out at pasture 24/7, it is good to feed extra hay and at least supplement minerals and vitamins.

Unlimited roughage and water is the basis of the feeding plan.Feed low to the ground, this way your horse's jaw works optimally and this is better for saliva production. A horse naturally likes to eat from the ground and not with its head up. You can also possibly just put it on the ground, but never on a sandy surface, as your horse will run the risk of ingesting sand. A slow feeder net can be a good solution, it is ideal because it allows them to use their hay longer and there is much less waste. Make sure the mesh of the net is large enough. Is there still a lot of hay in the net, and is your horse not eating it? Then throw some hay on the ground next to it and see if your horse does eat it.

Metazoa has been making feed for various animal species since 1994.

Owner Marc Jansen is a passionate nutritionist and valued consultant to zoos.

Over the years, he has gained a wealth of experience in feeding many species of animals at several zoos in the EU.

Marc knows from practical experience, that errors in feeding can cause health problems that will continue even into future generations.

From this vision, he makes feed that contributes to good breeding results.

Combined with his great knowledge of animal evolution, Metazoa manufactures the best feed for your beloved animals!

The alfalfa pellet MusleFit HP23 contains only alfalfa leaves.

(The stem is in the Metazoa coarse alfalfa 15 kg).

No other additives whatsoever, so no molasses as with most other pellets. Lucerne contains lots of good proteins that your horse needs to build muscle. In addition, alfalfa naturally contains a lot of calcium, more than hay, because the plant roots 2 to 3 metres and thus absorbs more calcium.

The HP 23 pellet contains even more calcium, 2.2%, which is more than in regular alfalfa.

Calcium is good for neutralising stomach acid, among other things. Horses with gastric ulcers often need calcium.

This can have several causes.

The horse may be sick, in pain or have worms, but there may also be other causes such as stress. It is good to look at the cause first; if in doubt, ask a vet to examine your horse.

But also make sure your horse gets enough hay. Around 2 kg per 100 kg of body weight is recommended. If you feed hay in a hay net, make sure that the mesh is not too small, if hay remains in the net, feed your horse some hay separately to test it, if it eats well and not out of the net, there is something wrong with the hay net. It is also important that the hay is of good quality. It should smell nice and not be old or dusty. You can also feed extra a handful of coarse alfalfa per day to stimulate saliva production and feed Metazoa MuscleFit HP23 on top.

We recommend 0.5 to 1 kg per day depending on your horse's weight.

Yes, especially if your horse is in the pasture all day.

Grass does not contain everything your horse needs and besides, grass contains a lot of sugar. Especially in young grass or short-grazed grass.

Prevent your horse from getting too fat.

Feed Metazoa to supplement missing vitamins and minerals to give your horse a better balance. Also, keep feeding hay even though your horse is out at pasture. Hay is more nutritious than grass and contains fewer sugars.

By natural food we mean:

Nutrition that matches exactly what the body needs, i.e. easily digestible and absorbable.

For horses, this is basically high-quality roughage.

As a herbivore, a horse in nature mainly eats grass, herbs, leaves, (tubers and roots out of it) and nibbles on bushes, branches etc.

Thus, the horse gets the right building and fuels (proteins and carbohydrates), vitamins and minerals.

The complex carbohydrates from this roughage, are converted by intestinal bacteria into energy for the horse and ensure stable blood sugar levels.

Natural nutrition and lifestyle provide protection against disease .

In a natural, ideal situation, a horse can eat all day long and can decide what to eat.

This can vary from season to season and from horse to horse.

Unfortunately, many domesticated horses are fed at set times. Not infrequently a lot of grain-containing kibble, and only a little hay.

They then miss out on necessary minerals and vitamins that they also cannot absorb from the pasture in which they walk.

In fact, this pasture is often impoverished and does not contain the variety of nutrients

your horse needs.

Metazoa has developed products that make sure your horse gets exactly what

it needs.

Do you want to give a little extra, or does your horse do a lot of physical work?

Then feed some extra MuscleFit HP23.

Fitright Lucerne contains a lot of proteins that your horse needs to build muscles.

You can also feed some coarse alfalfa on top.

Extra chewing produces more saliva and improves digestion.

But in principle, good hay and Fitright will be enough for your horse.

Besides the FitRight, MusclefFit HP23, NaturalFit Esparcette pellet is a wonderful product to add for healthy intestinal flora.

Metazoa SuperfitBroxxx (FitRight) is intended for horses of all ages in all disciplines.

Is extra flaxseed /omega 3 needed in addition to Metazoa's feed plan? No this is not necessary.

With normal use (50 grams per 100 kg body weight per day), there is absolutely no risk of overdosing with FitRight (formerly SuperFit) and MuschlFitHP 23. Please refer to the reset protocol.

Do you still want to give a little extra, or does your horse do a lot of physical work?

Then feed some extra Musclefit Hp 23.

Fitright Lucerne contains a lot of proteins that your horse needs for building muscles.

You can also feed some coarse alfalfa for improved digestion.

But basically, your horse will have enough with good hay and Fitright.

Fitright, Musclefit Hp 23 and the Naturalfit Esparcette pellet is a wonderful product to add for intestinal flora.

Do mice like Fitright?

Answer: No mice do not like it because it contains no grain or molasses.

Advice : bags of dry goods.

Crude ash is the term for anything left over after combustion. It is actually measured by burning a bit of food under very high temperatures. What remains after combustion are the minerals. So there is not actually crude ash in the feed.So the percentage of crude ash says something about the amount of minerals in the feed.The higher the percentage of crude ash, the more minerals there are in the feed.

When you first start feeding Metazoa, we recommend taking note of the reset protocol.

The reset protocol helps you and your horse switch step by step to feed your horse exactly what it needs.

Practical: first give hay and preferably after 20 minutes Fitright Timothy, Lucerne or Esparcette or the Musclefit Hp 23.

With several horses a separate trough is necessary in connection with feeding envy but also for rest.

A horse must eat in peace.

Do not throw feed on the ground because of the sand the horse may ingest.

Sand increases the risk of colic.

Characteristics of good hay for your horse: stalky , well dry, not dusty and it smells good.

Dosage of roughage per day : per 100 kg of body weight, 2 kg.

An average horse weighs 500 kg, so that's 10 Kg of hay a day.

It is a guideline that can also vary from horse to horse, depending on season and exertion.

Besides roughage, feed FitRight where you can choose between Esparcette, Timothy or


Metazoa MuscleFit HP23 provides proteins needed for muscle building.


Choose stemmed hay that is well grown and well dry.

Make sure the hay is not dusty and smells good.

On average, a horse needs about 2 kg per 100 kg body weight of


So an average 500 kg horse needs about 10 kg of hay a day.

But of course this can vary from horse to horse and also per season and per effort

your horse has to make.

But this advice is a guideline.

In addition to unlimited roughage give FitRight.

Give Musclefit Hp23 alfalfa pellets for muscle building.

If you want to do it completely optimally, we recommend the FitRight Esparcette for good intestinal flora.

Here is a link to our reset protocol, this protocol is specially designed to

rider and horse to get used to a new way of feeding.

Good horse hay is different from cow hay.

Choose stalky and preferably unfertilised hay that is well grown and well dry.

Make sure the hay is not dusty and smells good.

On average, a horse needs about 2 kg per 100 kg of body weight in roughage.

So an average 500 kg horse needs about 10 kg of hay a day.

But, of course, this can vary from horse to horse and also from season to season and from effort your horse has to make.

But it gives a guideline.

In addition to unlimited roughage give Fitgright and roughage give Fitright Lucerne for muscle building.

If you want to do it completely optimally, we recommend the Fitright Esparcette for good intestinal flora.

Here is a link to our reset protocol, this protocol is specially designed to help rider and horse get used to a new way of feeding.

Metazoa Superfit Broxxx (FitRight) contains hardly any sugar (1.8%) and starch (3%) Since only very little Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx (FitRight) has to be fed (an average of 250 grams), at 4.8% sugar+starch, only 12 grams of sugar+starch is supplied from Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx (FitRight).

On a total ration of, say, 10 kg, that comes down to 0.12% sugar+starch from Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx (FitRight).

Horse chunks with, say, 9% sugar+starch of which 1 kg is fed come to 90 grams of sugar+starch per day, which is 8 times as much as Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx. (FitRight)

Timothy has a different flavour, slightly less protein, less calcium and less iron. It can be used as a variation in the feed. It is mainly the possibility of variety that was the deciding factor in making this.

Horses love timothy, in addition it is naturally textured and has a relatively low sugar content.

Metazoa contains vitamin E.

Does your horse need extra vitamin E?

Then the safest way is to feed extra Metazoa FitRight.

You can feed 2 to 3 times the prescribed amount of FitrRight (SuperFit).

If you do want to feed extra vitamin E, make sure you do not add it in too large quantities.

A horse stores vitamin E in its body and can therefore get too much of it.

Metazoa Superfit Broxxx (FitRight) MuscleFit HP23 is intended for horses of all ages in all disciplines.

Because the pellets are only 4mm, even foals can eat it from the time they can eat pellets on their own.

Smaller 4 kg packs are available in pet shops .

These packs are handy if you want to introduce your horse to Metazoa.

It is very important that the transition to a different feed is gradual.

If your horse was fed a lot of grains before, build this down slowly. 

Imagine that you, as a human being, eat a couple of marches every day or put a lot of sugar in your coffee or tea. Then you have to get used to the reduced amount of sugar you take in.

It is the same with horses.

Horses that get a lot of grains, those grains convert into sugars, have to get used to going from sugar burning to fat burning.

It is important that your horse has something to eat throughout the day and has something in its stomach because a horse produces stomach acid throughout the day.

So give plenty of roughage!

After changing feed, you will be able to notice the first changes after about 4 weeks. Horses may become more energetic, but also calmer, their coat may become more shiny, itching may disappear, they feel better in their skin, overweight horses may lose weight and overweight horses may gain weight.

Consult our reset protocol and follow the steps on how to gradually introduce your horse to Metazoa Fitright and our Metazoa Musclefit.

Yes, it is advisable to still give the horses a lick (salt block) in addition to FitRight (SuperFit),MuscleFit HP23 and roughage, there is already salt in the FitRight (Superfit) but extra salt as needed is recommended.

This can be a simple salt block so no minerals etc need to be added.

No. Metazoa SuperFit Broxx (Fitright) contains hardly any sugar (1.8%) and starch (3%) Since only very little Metazoa SuperFit Broxx (FitRight) has to be fed (an average of 250 grams), at 4.8% sugar+starch, only 12 grams of sugar+starch is supplied from Metazoa SuperFit Broxx (FitRight)

On a total ration of, say, 10 kg, that comes down to 0.12% sugar+starch from Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx (FitRight).

Horse chunks with, for example, 9% sugar+starch of which 1 kg is fed come to 90 grams of sugar+starch per day, which is 8 times as much as Metazoa SuperFit Broxxx (FitRight).

Exactly what they need