30 - 01 - 2022

Founder of Metazoa, Marc Jansen nutritionist.

Metazoa was founded in 1994 out of the hobby and personal interest of Marc Jansen.
Already in 1985, during his education at the secondary agricultural school in Barneveld he experimented with food for various exotic animals. Stores where he bought petfood himself at that time, are now customers of Metazoa.
Over the past thirty years, he has built the company into a premium supplier of scientifically based animal nutrition.
With a wide range of feeds developed and produced from a unique vision.
produced from a unique vision.
In 2011, a specific question about the horse of a customer led to the development of the current range of high quality horse supplements.
Marc has an unbridled passion for animal health and nutrition science.
He is therefore committed to perfecting the composition of animal nutrition.
In this way he wants to help owners to make and keep their animals healthy.
The products he has developed are also used by [almost all] the zoos in the Netherlands.
He is also asked for nutritional advice at the zoos.
Marc is a modest man, that's why we say this out loud:
We are proud and happy that the food makes such a difference for many animals!